6-Point Soundcheck List for Internet Guests

6-Point Soundcheck List for Internet Guests

In recording sessions when you first connect with guests over the internet, and before you start recording, you can address the items on the soundcheck list below to help guests AVOID many problems that can ruin their audio quality, thereby saving YOU lots of time and pain in your post-production processing. Oh, and your guests will sound a lot better, too 😉

  1. Have a strong reliable internet connection.
  2. Ask them to restart their computer if they haven’t done so that day, and only open applications that are necessary for recording.
  3. Be in a quiet room – Turn off fans and AC, close windows, ask family to be quiet, etc.
  4. Mic technique – Mouth consistently close to the mic when speaking
  5. Earbuds not rubbing or flapping around
  6. Sit quietly in one spot – Don’t move around, don’t make any sounds like clicking a pen, tapping your foot, slapping papers down on the desk, etc.

Please add your own soundcheck concerns below in the comments!

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2 Responses

  1. Headphones with a mic, or headphones and a podcast/streaming mic are preferred, but if you have to use your computer’s built-in mic, definitely make sure you’re wearing headphones. Many VoIP services have feedback protection which can decrease audio quality, and headphones significantly decrease these issues.

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