Archiving your and/or your clients’ production files is a great idea for various reasons, some more likely than others. You may want to go back and:
- Adjust something and re-mix and re-publish
- Delete a portion and re-publish
- Use a segment of an old episode in a current episode
- Use the episode audio in a video production or slideshow, etc.
- Clip out quotes for use elsewhere
- Etc.
FYI, I always archive each and every production file associated with each episode.
And if I need to go back and make an edit, etc., to an episode, I always use the uncompressed WAV file mixes. I will make the edit on the WAV file and then encode the new MP3 from that, instead of editing an MP3 and then re-encoding it as another MP3 (which ends up degrading the audio quality even more because it’s a compressed version of a compressed version).
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