It’s difficult to drive a car unless you know what a gas pedal is, and what a brake pedal is, and what a steering wheel is.
Yet, it’s amazing how many podcasters aren’t even aware of some of the most fundamental audio concepts.
This is why the first class of Podcast Engineering School focuses almost entirely on audio fundamentals.
Once you understand the fundamentals, the more advanced concepts will immediately make sense, to some degree. Initially you may not know how or when to use these advanced audio techniques, but at least you will know what they are and generally what they do. And you’ll be ready to learn more advanced concepts BECAUSE you already understand the basics.
The other vital thing that understanding the fundamentals gives you – confidence! And this is HUGE in terms of your overall success.
It’s “cool” these days to learn the minimum and just grab some software and “do stuff,” but the people who really succeed in this world are individuals who learn their craft well and become an expert. The best part? No one can ever take that accomplishment away from them, and no one will ever be able to take that accomplishment away from you 😉
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And please keep in mind, the Daily Goody is only a tiny little tip, fact or lesson everyday. Please don’t expect any of these posts to be long, earth-shattering masterpieces that instantly answer every single question you can think of and completely transform you into a world class podcast engineer. “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”