Note: I have not tried this app yet, even though I bought it recently for around $10.
Backpack Studio is a mobile app for iOS allowing you to use an audio interface, record multiple tracks, play clips from a soundboard, mix, publish, and more.
Apparently you can connect a Focusrite 2i2 and other interfaces to your iOS device and record multitrack.
It has lots of features including:
- An automatic mixing function.
- Effects including compression, limiting, and EQ.
- An adjustable 0-100% ducking function to attenuate the volume of sound clips when someone speaks over them.
- Publish to various destinations right from the app.
- And more. (Like I said, I haven’t tried it yet)
Have you tried it? What was your experience?
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One Response
I’ve used Backpack Studio to produce 25+ episodes. I think it’s cool but a little too “live to tape” for me to use it by itself. In particular, I wish I could have some control over EQ and better editing than simply trimming the top and the tail.
My current process:
1. Record in my car using the Shure MV88 and Backpack Studio so I can take advantage of the soundboard, etc.
2. Edit and EQ in Ferrite
3. Master at and upload directly to Libsyn (mp3) and backup to Google Drive (ALAC)
For an almost completely mobile show, it works very well and sometimes the best mic to use is the one you have available at the time.