Being Profitable as a Podcast Producer/Editor

Being Profitable as a Podcast Producer/Editor

Being profitable as a podcast producer/editor comes down to making sure that the time you’re spending on client work is worth the net profit that you’re earning.

Be sure to do the math and evaluate your overall situation. #wisdom

And this also applies if you’re only producing your own show, though if your show I being used to market your business then tracking your profitability becomes extremely difficult or even impossible. And even if your show ends up costing you money, it may still be worth doing for many reasons.

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And please keep in mind, the Daily Goody is only a tiny little tip, fact or lesson everyday. Please don’t expect any of these posts to be long, earth-shattering masterpieces that instantly answer every single question you can think of and completely transform you into a world class podcast engineer. “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”


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One Response

  1. I would temper this sensible article with a view that sometimes you use a peice of work to learn something or develop a new process.

    In which case allocate some of the time spent into ‘Learning and Development’ rather than ‘work’.

    All work and no learning can be s problem, sane as all learning and little work!

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