When recording directly into a computer using a USB microphone or earbuds, be careful with cranking up a microphones level all the way for a participant who is in a reverby room.
If the mic gain is cranked up too high, it will most likely cause the sound to be severely limited (compressed/crushed) by the computer and/or app, causing a lower signal to noise ratio, making the reverb and noise floor much louder compared to the person’s voice.
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One Response
If you can, turn off the auto level control and any compression.
Try to keep the volume of sound you want (the speaker’s voice) higher than the volume of the background.
RX or Audition’s DeVerb can help a lot to remove some of the reverb. Alternatively, it can add atmosphere, if appropriate. For example if the audience know that you are talking to someone in an empty building, you would expect some reverb. If you are trying to make them appear to be next to you, then remove as much as you can. You might even need to add some reverb to your own voice so they sound similar.
The important element is that they should be clear enough to hear what they are saying and the sound should not jar between voices.