When you’re converting your final episodes in to MP3’s, be aware that in some software there are different qualities of encoding you can choose.
And I’m not talking about bit rate or sample rate — I’m talking about a setting which tells the software to encode the MP3 quickly giving lower quality audio, or encode slowly giving higher quality.
Not all software gives you this choice, but its worth making sure that you’re choosing the highest quality encoding in whatever software you’re using.
iZotope doesn’t give you a choice because they correctly assume you want the highest quality encoding. Thanks iZotope!
These apps DO give you a choice (thank goodness most of them default to the “highest quality” setting):
- Reaper
- Sound Forge
- TwistedWave
After all your hard work creating episodes, please make sure that you encode at the highest quality (slowest encoding time)!
Does your software give you a choice?
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