I say “kinda” because these podcasting loudness levels are not exactly “standards” – they are simply good and useful recommendations which the vast majority of podcasters abide by.
When the final MP3 of one of your episodes is published and folks start listening to it, it’s very handy if the loudness of your episode is approximately the same loudness as other podcasts’ episodes. This gives the listener a better podcasting listening experience; they can avoid cranking the volume of their earbuds for one show and then immediately getting blown away by ultra-loudness when they switch to listen to another podcast.
So here is how loud your final episodes “should” be:
- If your episode is a mono file, -19 LUFS
- If your episode is a stereo file, -16 LUFS
The last step of your audio production for each and every episode should be to adjust the LUFS level of your episode to these “standards.”
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