_IF_ you’re open to putting some effort into your own personal future success:
- Write out your 3-month goals in each and every one of these categories: 1. Family Goals, 2. Material Things goals, 3. Financial/Income/Savings goals, 4. Physical/Health/Fitness goals, 5. Career goals, 6. Hobbies/Fun goals, and 7. Spiritual goals.
- Write out your 1-year goals in each and every category above.
- Write out your 3-year goals in each and every category above.
- Write out your 10-year goals in each and every category above.
- Write down which character traits you’d like to dispense with, and which character traits you’d like to develop
- Write down every single thing in your life that you’re grateful for. Every. Single. Thing. Yes, it’ll be a long list 😉
- Contact me to tell me you’ve completed these tasks BEFORE January 1, 2022
I sincerely wish you all the best 🙂
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And please keep in mind, the Daily Goody is only a tiny little tip, fact or lesson everyday. Please don’t expect any of these posts to be long, earth-shattering masterpieces that instantly answer every single question you can think of and completely transform you into a world class podcast engineer. “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”