There are a few things you can do to keep your studio and equipment free from dust accumulation.
- Cover exposed equipment (when not using them) with some sort of cloth, sheets, plastic, etc.
- Use Swiffer (I use these by hand, and they also make tradition dusters) or something similar to manually remove dust from time to time. They magnetically attract dust so they do a really good job.
How do you protect your gear?
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2 Responses
Periodically, I clean all jack plugs with Brasso as well as wiping down XLR connections.
I also vacuum the air vents on electronic equipment.
I started doing this when working in a professional studio and have continued to do so for all my pro sound gear
The dust in my studio can get out of control, thank you to cats and litter boxes. I should find something to cover my mixer, but I have been covering my mic RE320 with a winter stocking cap.