Gain staging is the process of managing the relative levels in each step of an audio signal flow to prevent introduction of noise and distortion. Ideal gain staging occurs when each component in an audio signal flow is receiving and transmitting signal in the optimum region of its dynamic range.
Here are a bunch of places in your signal flow where you should optimize your levels and gain staging: (Note: your particular signal flow will probably not contain all of the following)
- Microphone proximity
- Microphone preamp level (on your audio interface or computer settings)
- Input and output levels on hardware like channel strips, compressors, EQ’s, etc.
- Mixer channel fader
- Mixer master fader
- Recorder input level
- Input and output levels in plugins
- And many more
Noise and distortion can be introduced when the output of one component is so low that the input level of the next component must be cranked really high to increase the level back to a normal level.
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One Response
Think of it like changing gears. It’s a lot smoother to go from 1st to 5th via 2nd, 3rd and 4th rather than straight from 1st to 5th.
(Assuming you have a normal car and not an automatic!)