Buying your first 3rd party plugin (EQ, compressor, channel strip, etc) is a momentous occasion. Of course your DAW already has some processors built into it, but most 3rd party plugins are WAY better quality than those — easier to use, better sound, better user interface, etc.
But, for some people, like ME!, once you start buying plugins it’s VERY easy to desire almost every single plugin you see.
The question is: When should you fight this urge to buy another plugin vs going ahead and excitedly buying another plugin?
Factors you may want to consider when deciding on the purchase of a particular plugin:
- Do you have the money to buy the plugin?
- Will you get significant use out of the plugin in question?
- Do you already have a similar plugin that does almost everything that this new plugin will do?
- Are you a plugin-aholic like Chris Curran??
Answering those questions will help you decide.
Also, keep in mind that using new/different plugins will also contribute to your continued learning, continued ear training, and your maturation into a seasoned podcast engineer/editor/etc. who possesses an audio “toolbox” full of top-notch “tools.” Take it from me, I’m a top-notch TOOL! ha
What factors do you take into consideration? Comment below.
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