“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is a well-known quote alluded to in one of my all-time favorite movies, Gattaca.
In terms of your podcast production, one way that your equipment and studio can become a difficult mess is with the way your cables are setup. Of course if you have just one cable then this is easy, but when you start having lots of cables this becomes an issue.
When I was in NYC working on music production I was taught to keep ALL cables neat and tidy at all times. And we used a lots of cables in most sessions.
The main reasons to keep all your cables neat and tidy:
- Having the ability to EASILY add, remove or re-run cables
- Having the ability to EASILY troubleshoot any problems
- Keeping audio cables as far away from power cables as possible
- Working in a neat and tidy environment allows the people working there to focus entirely on the work instead of being distracted by messiness
And I actually spend significant time THINKING about how I want to run my cables BEFORE I actually run them. Planning – it helps 😉
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