Level Magic is amazing leveler software! It’s a real time and offline loudness processor. You can think of it as doing a similar type of leveling that Auphonic does but WAAAAAY better quality with SOOOO many more controls. There’s a stereo version and a multichannel version, and you can try it for free.
From their website:
Level Magic is a comprehensive loudness management processor utilizing an algorithm, developed and enhanced over several years by Jünger Audio, highly adaptive to the structure of the incoming audio to meet the requirements of the broadcast and media industry, producing a result without artefacts such as pumping, breathing or distortion. Level Magic is compliant with all current worldwide loudness standards.
- True Peak level metering and limiting – ITU-R BS.1770 / EBU R128 Compliant
- Supporting up to 10 channels for Dolby Atmos and the AVID Pro Tools Dolby Atmos 7.1.2/7.0.2 Track and Bus
- Input / Output Gain (-12/+12 dB) applied to the limiter input and to the output stage of the limiter
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