Mailing Microphones to Podcast Guests

…a good idea?

Mailing Microphones to Podcast Guests

To ensure good quality audio from their guests, some podcast hosts/shows actually mail each guest a microphone or headset to use during recording. This strategy solves some issues but can create additional issues. And the host still has to do a full soundcheck on each and every guest.


  • The guest doesn’t have to own or buy a microphone
  • The guests audio recording will sound good (as long as their computer’s settings are set correctly)


  • Helping each guest set up the microphone properly and adjust their computers audio settings can sometimes be a major task
  • What about a stand for the microphone? Will the host/show ship this as well?
  • If the guest is in a bad sounding room then their audio will not sound great even with a good microphone
  • The host/show will have to keep careful notes about who has their microphone(s) and if/when they have been shipped and received, etc.
  • The guest will have to go through the trouble of mailing the microphone back to the host/show
  • Shipping costs
  • Audio equipment can be damaged in the shipping process

I’ve never mailed microphones to guests but I know some people who do.

Have you ever done this? Have your results been good?

Can you add any more pros or cons in the comments?

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One Response

  1. It all depends who the guest is and what the issue is.
    1. Will they return it or will you be seeing them soon afterwards?
    2. Is their problem that they have no microphone? Is everything else is okay.
    3. Will they take instruction? Having a good mic but siting 5 feet away from it isn’t going to help much.

    If I think it will help, I have two options. Firstly send a Sennheiser USB headset. I bought 50 used ones for $10 each. If I lose one, it won’t break the bank.
    Secondly, send a Samson Q2U or a ATR2100 in a plastic mic box with a small stand. This is when I know I will get it back.

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