My Thoughts on Blindly Applying the Same Preset Processing Chain to Every Podcast Participants Voice

My Thoughts on Blindly Applying the Same Preset Processing Chain to Every Podcast Participants Voice

Don’t do it.

Yes it saves time, but you’re also ensuring that EVERY participants audio will sound SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE than it should. And some participants audio will be destroyed.

It would be like cooking every meal in the oven for the same exact amount of time at the same exact temperature – it would be a small miracle if ANY dish turned out properly.

Each podcast participants recording is unique in so many ways. If you apply the same exact plugin chain with the same exact settings, you’re ensuring that no one will sound as good as they should.

The correct approach is to START with a carefully crafted preset plugin chain and then tweak all the settings to taste USING YOUR EARS.

Yes, it takes more time, but you will quickly get good at it and you’ll be able to dial in someone’s sound pretty quickly. PLUS, each voice you process will SOUND GREAT!

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