Have you ever heard podcast producers (or their companies) being credited at the end of their clients’ episodes?
Some clients on their own choose to read these types of credits at the end of each and every episode, while others do not.
I believe some podcast producers/editors/engineers actually ask their clients to credit them at the end of episodes. Fair enough. Personally I don’t ask for credit, but if the client decides to do it I’m appreciative.
If you or your company are credited at the end of client episodes will that help bring you more clients and more business? One of my previous clients who had HUGE download numbers credited my production company at the end of every episode (2 per week for 3+ years) and I didn’t receive a single inquiry about my services due to those shoutouts (which is not odd or weird in my opinion because listeners are there to listen to that show, not to learn about podcast production companies).
What are your thoughts?
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2 Responses
I think having an ‘ad’ at the end of podcast for the engineer is not appropriate. Having a ‘sting’ for the production company (if they were responsible for creating and producing the episode) or sponsor – this podcast was brought to you by Acme Inc’ is fine.
Putting production credits at the bottom of the show notes would be very acceptable.