When using a computer for audio/video recording, whether you’re recording on that particular computer or just connecting with someone else as a guest on a podcast/video show, it’s ALWAYS recommended to restart your computer before the session. This allows your computer to start fresh and not be all tangled up and running SLOOOOOW with 97 programs and processes running in the background. And then after restarting, you should only open the programs you NEED for the recording session.
This is information you must share with your guests. When you connect with your guests for the session, ask them if they have restarted their computer just now, and if they say No, then instruct them to restart and then reconnect.
WARNING: So many problems can arise if the guests computer hasn’t been restarted since around the Spring of 2016, including not recognizing their correct microphone, disconnecting mid-interview, glitching, dropping out, pops and clicks, stretched words and phrases, and other random headaches, etc.
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