The De-rustle module in iZotope RX 7 Advanced removes the noise or rustle generated by a lavalier microphone rubbing or brushing against a person’s clothing during a recording. Lav rustle can vary unpredictably over time and exhibit a wide variety of sonic characteristics from high frequency “crackling” to low frequency “thuds.”
I recently used this module on headset audio with breath noises and thuds with very good results. It’s not exactly made for that scenario but sometimes you have to try different modules due to the unique nature of your source audio. I tried to use the De-breath and De-plosive modules to fix this particular problem, but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted, so I tried the De-rustle and it worked much better in this case.
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2 Responses
Ingenious, Chris and Barry! Who would have thought that the De-Rustle Module would help for headset thuds and breathing, especially since neither one of you is called Russell 🙂
I guess you need to remember that each module in RX (or any other plug in) is usually a mixture of compressors/limiters/EQ etc that is targeted to a certain task. However, that combination of processes may work on other audio issues.
When your normal processes aren’t working, try ones that you wouldn’t normally use. They might just work.