You know what’s not a good feeling? When you realize the evening before you’re supposed to publish an episode that you haven’t even recorded it yet!!! Then you have to scramble. Not fun.
It’s much better to always have 2-8 weeks worth of episodes recorded and ready to produce, or even completely done. Then, you’ll always have episodes “in the can” which you can easily publish whenever you need to.
It’s such a good feeling to be ahead of schedule with regards to recording episodes!
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And please keep in mind, the Daily Goody is only a tiny little tip, fact or lesson everyday. Please don’t expect any of these posts to be long, earth-shattering masterpieces that instantly answer every single question you can think of and completely transform you into a world class podcast engineer. “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”
One Response
We were a show that dedicated to a Tuesday noon drop. We hit that for a long time, until some very real life events started to interrupt that flow. Then the focus on having quality audio started. Simply throwing files into a DAW and spitting out an mp3 for upload was no longer an option. We wanted to use compression, LUFS, EQ, normalization, etc. The original audio wasn’t bad, but we needed to spend more than 3 minutes doing post production. It was also realized that many listeners are behind a week or episode. We put aside the stress and simply ensure we release a show when it’s done, typically recording Sunday nights and as long as the episode is out before Friday, we’re good. Oh, and our patrons ALWAYS get the show first, whether it’s 12 hours or 48 hours early.