My returning guest is Arik Levy – Law Enforcement Officer, Producer and Host of Firearms Nation Podcast, Creator of Shooter’s Summit and the Firearms Nation YouTube channel.
Since his last appearance on the show, Arik has upgraded his production gear and workflow significantly. I was happy to chat with him about all the gory details.
A small portion of what we discussed:
- Rode Broadcaster
- Using his dbx 286s again
- Sound Devices MixPre6
- Switching from Logic Pro X to Adobe Audition
- The difference that replacing an XLR cable can make…
- iZotope plugins: Nectar 2 (Arik uses the gate), Neutron, Ozone, RX 6
- Zencastr
- Using video and Skype for his Shooter’s Summit
Thanks for hanging with us again, Arik!
Comment below with any questions or comments.
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