One of the big benefits of running your own podcast production business working from home for remote clients is that you can have significant time flexibility. Need to pick up your child from school? No problem. Need to quit early on Friday to leave for a fun weekend? No problem. Juggling life and family obligations is easier when you have flexibility with your work schedule.
I’ll address part-time as well as full time:
Part-time independent podcast producers who work from home usually have a full-time day job as well, so they have to produce podcasts on evenings and/or weekends. Typically their clients will send recorded episode audio to be produced within a certain number of days, and the producer can decide which day/time they want to actually produce that audio. Sometimes clients will ask for “rush jobs” because they recorded an episode last minute, but editors can easily train their clients not to rely on rush jobs.
Full-time independent podcast editors/producers who work from home usually work normal business hours but they also have the flexibility to take days off or half-days off depending on their workload, deadlines and client activity. Alternatively, some producers choose to work less than 40 hours per week so they can focus more of their attention on other projects or hobbies, etc. What a glorious lifestyle!
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