The World Thanks You for Caring About Audio Quality!

Keep up the great work!

The World Thanks You for Caring About Audio Quality!

Thank you for caring about audio quality! Because of you, MANY people’s lives and listening experiences are enhanced immensely because of your attention to audio quality. Without you they would have to suffer listening to horrible audio. Keep up the great work!

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One Response

  1. With the growth of the number of podcasts, there are too many good podcasts to listen to rather than listening to bad audio.

    To create outstanding audio is extremely difficult and requires patience and attention to detail, the average podcast is less demanding.

    With a modest set of equipment, it is possible to create perfectly acceptable audio. Therefore, if there is bad audio, it is usually because the producer doesn’t care or doesn’t know what to do. If the former, stick to creating audio files and send them to your family only. If the later, you could do a lot worse than listening to Chris’s podcast or attending his school.

    In the world of podcasting, there are many, many great engineers working with often horrendous recordings that produce decent listening content. The really good ones, produce consistent results with inconsistent source files.

    If you can create listenable content with the best mics/channel strips/recording/recording environment and knowable talent are you better then when you tend to deal with recordings made on a Yeti on table in the middle of a domestic room with no soft furnishings or on a mic that came in a Christmas cracker?

    Therefore, the good audio engineers are virtually unnoticeable.

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