The decibel (dB) is commonly used in acoustics as a unit of sound pressure level. Basically, decibel levels describe how loud something is. (Here’s more technical info)
Here are the decibel levels of sounds you’re familiar with:
- Normal conversation with someone 1 meter away: 40-60 dB
- Passenger car from 10 meters away: 60-80 dB
- Traffic on a busy roadway from 10 meters away: 80-90 dB
- Jack hammer from 1 meter away: 100 dB
- Two-stroke chainsaw from 1 meter away: 110 dB
- Threshold of pain: 130-140 dB
- Stun grenade: 158–172 dB
- .30-06 rifle being fired from 1 meter to shooter’s side: 171 dB
NOTE: There are many free apps you can install on your phone to measure the sound pressure levels wherever you are 😉
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