When a guest connects using a Windows PC or Surface, it’s best to take extra precautions when soundchecking them.
I recommend having them restart the machine, verify/set the input and output device settings, NOT open up any programs that aren’t absolutely necessary, turning off any files synching like Dropbox, etc., verifying their WiFi signal strength, etc etc etc… You get the idea.
With Mac computers you may want to take these same precautions as well, but with Windows machine I suggest being very careful and very thorough with every single guest. The reason for this is, of course, that many recordings have been compromised or completely ruined due to various Windows issues.
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One Response
Another useful suggestion for Mac users is to ask them to click on the three lines on the top right of the screen, drag the box down and toggle on the Do Not Disturb option for the interview.
Is there an equivalent on the Surface?