When you attend a conference you meet many people, and some of them you exchange contact information so you can connect after the conference to discuss things.
So how soon after the conference ends should you reach out to these folks?
If you reach out too early, they may still be traveling home and your message may get lost in the craziness of their travel, etc.
If you wait too long to reach out, they may have forgotten you and why you wanted to connect with them.
So what is the right amount of time?
How long do you usually wait to reach out?
Typically I email people 3-5 business days after the conference ends. This seems to work pretty well.
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One Response
I will normally do a connect email straight away – just to firm up that I have the right details. The second email, which continues the conference conversation, follows on the Monday after the conference.
If the contact is hot to talk, then they usually respond to the first email.