Weekly or monthly cleaning works well, but every now and then (every year or two?) you have to literally disconnect all your gear, dust everything, vacuum everywhere, and then put Humpty Dumpty (your studio) back together again.
This is also a good opportunity to:
- Tidy/replace/upgrade cables
- Upgrade gear
- Adjust/optimize the placement of your gear
- And of course take new pictures of your clean, optimized studio!
So the question is: When’s the last time you cleaned and dusted your studio?
I did last week and IT FEELS GREAT!
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One Response
I like to rip everything out and re-configure, every so often. The timing needs to be right. I need a gap when I won’t be using anything for a while.
Cleaning jacks with brasso can make quite a difference.
Cleaning out air vents on computers can reduce fan noise significantly. As well as an insulating layer of dust on the motherboard.
As well as the physical clean up, don’t forget the virtual clean up with Computers, disk drives, cloud storage, apps and more.