Remember in 2020 when lockdowns started and tons of people (including ultra-popular media figures) started Livestreaming, YouTubing and attending Zoom meetings from home? Do you also remember that ALL THAT AUDIO WAS HORRENDOUS SOUNDING?!?!
I do. Most of those folks just dove into creating content using their computer’s built-in microphone AND THEY THOUGHT THIS WOULD SOUND JUST FINE?!?!? Wow. It was brutal.
But over the 2+ years since lockdowns first began, it seems like everyone (thank God) has realized the importance of good audio, purchased a good microphone and now has good (or at least decent) sound.
There are MANY new streamers that I used to watch in 2020 who had awful audio quality, but over the past 2 years they have bought decent microphones and even have it close to their mouths! Yay!
FYI, I believe the microphone industry had its biggest boom ever during lockdowns and afterwards. Can anyone confirm this?
Did you also witness anyone starting with abysmal audio quality, and then realize it, and then improve massively? Comment below!
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