Benefits of Attending LIVE Interactive Classes on Podcast Production

Podcast Engineering School does it right!

Benefits of Attending LIVE Interactive Classes on Podcast Production

Watching YouTube videos to get quick answers to simple podcast production questions is very handy, but those types of videos don’t cut the mustard when a person wants to become a true audio professional by learning everything about podcast audio production in the greatest depth possible.

For professional in-depth training it’s best to attend Live classes with an accomplished instructor so you can ask questions on the fly, ask follow-up questions on the fly, and ask questions about a previous class, previous topics, etc.

That is how I conduct Podcast Engineering School and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And of course students can watch replays of all the classes, too.

Many people have told me over the past 4 years that I could make A LOT more money and do A LOT less work if I made the course “on-demand” so that people could purchase it and watch a bunch of videos without me ever meeting them or talking with them, etc.

I will NEVER do this. It is NOT the best way for people to learn – BY FAR. The depth at which I teach always stimulates deep, important questions from students, and you’re telling me that I’m just supposed to let them watch videos and wallow in confusion instead of helping them directly?!?! No way Jose.

My one goal is to help every students become a world-class podcast engineer and enjoy a wonderful career producing podcasts and earning a great income. And I’m proud of the MANY students who are actually creating that reality for themselves after attending PES.

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And please keep in mind, the Daily Goody is only a tiny little tip, fact or lesson everyday. Please don’t expect any of these posts to be long, earth-shattering masterpieces that instantly answer every single question you can think of and completely transform you into a world class podcast engineer. “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”

DID YOU KNOW……..We exist for the purpose of helping you, so please comment below with any questions or remarks. We appreciate you listening.

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Browse our online courses on podcasting and audio production to become a qualified engineer.

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Discussing Professional Podcast Production - Recording, Mixing, Editing, Mastering. Hosted by Chris Curran - podcast producer, audio engineer, founder of Podcast Engineering School and Fractal Recording.

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